Friday, May 31, 2019

Why Do Children Talk To Themselves? :: Psychology Psychological Papers

Why Do Children Talk To Themselves? Whether you atomic number 18 a parent, teacher, claw care giver, or a child observer you may have find that many children talk to themselves. Laura Berk reports that, private speech can account for 20-60 percent of the remarks a child younger than 10 years makes (78). Why do children do this? Does it benefit the child as Vygotsky would say, or is it just that the child is making egocentric remarks that play no positive role in normal cognitive development as Piaget would claim? I am going to be waying at the differences between Vygotskys and Piagets points of view. Then, I will look at Laura Berks findings in her article, Why Children Talk to Themselves. I will also talk about other findings concerning this topic. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky were developmental psychologists interested in the origins and processes of cognitive development. These two psychologists disagreed sharply on the role that private speech played in ones cogn itive development. Vygotsky called this private speech plot of land Piaget called it egocentric speech. Piaget observed the activities of three to eight year old kindergarten children, and discovered such uses of speech as verbal repetitions of another individual, monologues during an activity, and non-reciprocal remarks in collective settings. In these instances their speech was not directed towards other individuals. In Piagets mind these patterns of speech provideed evidence of egocentrism, a sign of cognitive immaturity, and an inability to share the horizon of another individual. However, he argued, as the children grow older they socialize increasingly more with others, and their speech becomes communicative. Their speech moves away from being self- to other-oriented, a sign that they are able to adopt the perspectives of others. A child overcomes egocentrism by beginning to think critically and logically, causing egocentric speech to fade away. Vygotsky belie ves that a childs cognitive development originates in socialization activities, and then goes through a process of increasing individuation. He argued that self-directed speech did not show any cognitive immaturity, but did show some form of development. He claims that private speech represents a functional differentiation in the speech of a child, or that a child begins to differentiate between speech that is directed towards the others and speech that is self-directed.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Harsh Issues in A Streetcar Named Desire :: Streetcar Named Desire

Harsh Issues in A Streetcar Named Desire A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, is a turn of events which deals with many harsh issues same(p) spousal abuse, rape, and insanity. The play is mainly about Blanche and her child Stella. Blanche arrives at her sisters house after being fired from the school where she taught and after loosing the jumbo family house. She says she is on a leave of absence, but Stella and her husband, Stanley, soon find out the truth. Throughout the play Blanche acts as someone she isnt, in order to hide her past times and hope that someone will desire her. Her escape is futile for her past is uncovered, and her last chance to meet a man is destroyed.The main theme of this play is the uselessness of escape. Blanche arrives at her sisters house acting like someone she isnt. Her dirty past, and her motives for puting on this act are quickly discovered and Blanche ends up in a nut house. When Blanche arrives at her sisters home she says tha t she has come to stay with them temporarily because she has lost the family estate (she could no longer support it financially). Blanche has an air of superiority, indirectly commenting on where her sister lives and acting as if she has more class. When Stanley meets Blanche he is quickly suspicious of how she obtained all of her clothes, furs and jewelry. In the third scene Stanley is drunk after a poker darkness and hits his wife. They reconciliate the same night and Blanche puts on an act of how terrified she is, even after being reassured by two people the event wasnt a big deal. In scene four Blanche tells her sister about one of her rich friends that could send her some money and get her out of her bind. This is a lie, subsequent on Stanley finds out that this man is not rich, and just an old aquantance of Blanche. Later on Blanche has a converstaion with Stella, which Stanley over hears, where she speaks of Stanley calling him primitive and saying he has physical like beh aviors. This turns Stanley against Stella, even though he says nothing to her face. Blanche meets Mitch one of Stanleys friends, and one day she explains to her sister that she wants to decieve Mitch so that he wants

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Eliots East Coker and Linguistic Devices :: Eliot East Coker Language Essays

The use of manner of speaking, (taking into account the reader-response theory of Wolfgang Iser),and the rotary nature of East CokerIn my beginning is my end. In eonHouses rise and fall, crumble, are extended,Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their placeIs an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. In this discussion I shall be examining Eliots use of a range of linguistic devices in East Coker. The discussion will focus on how T. S. Eliot (1888 - 1965) employs the medium of language to parallel and deliberate his acquaintance of the cyclical and repetitive patterns of the life and death process. As well as the linguistic aspects of Eliots poem I shall be referring to the reader-response theory of Wolfgang Iser to demonstrate how the symbols use to intercommunicate the cyclic repetitive patterns of being are as much the fruit of the readers interpretation as they are of the poets intent. Account is taken of how Eliots use of cyclical images, and the language he uses to c reate them, impacts on the readers perception of the division and unity between the physical and spiritual dimensions of human existence.It is all-too-easy when studying the quatern Quartets 1 to become divert by the range of erudite references which Eliot uses. One can become so immersed in researching the derivation of the material that a preoccupation with the sources can obfuscate the poets main(a) point - the poem as a holistic form, not a series of obscure references.In East Coker one is confronted with this challenge. It seems that in this second of the Four Quartets Eliot is not so much displaying scholarly references, as testing the finite nature of language to probe the limitations and the extremities of human thoughts, conditions and existence.What has been thus far propounded, however, one could argue, is a readers selected and proper(postnominal) response, superimposed on the textual matter. The argument puts language rather than, for example, religion, as the cen tral critical theme of East Coker.Indeed, Wolfgang Iser, in his essay The Reading work at A Phenomenological Approach published in Reader-Response Criticism 2 argues that the text is as much dependent on the reader as the writer to give it meaning. Therefore, a prejudice reinvention of the text created by the lone reader becomes an irrelevance because it is the response process in relationship to the text which is important, not the product. Iser points out that the entirety of the strength text is infinitely richer than any of its individual realisations 3.Eliots East Coker and Linguistic Devices Eliot East Coker Language EssaysThe use of language, (taking into account the reader-response theory of Wolfgang Iser),and the cyclical nature of East CokerIn my beginning is my end. In successionHouses rise and fall, crumble, are extended,Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their placeIs an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. In this discussion I shall be examining Eliots u se of a range of linguistic devices in East Coker. The discussion will focus on how T. S. Eliot (1888 - 1965) employs the medium of language to parallel and reflect his perception of the cyclical and repetitive patterns of the life and death process. As well as the linguistic aspects of Eliots poem I shall be referring to the reader-response theory of Wolfgang Iser to demonstrate how the symbols used to convey the cyclic repetitive patterns of being are as much the fruit of the readers interpretation as they are of the poets intent. Account is taken of how Eliots use of cyclical images, and the language he uses to create them, impacts on the readers perception of the division and unity between the physical and spiritual dimensions of human existence.It is all-too-easy when studying the Four Quartets 1 to become diverted by the range of erudite references which Eliot uses. One can become so immersed in researching the derivation of the material that a preoccupation with the sources c an obfuscate the poets primary purpose - the poem as a holistic form, not a series of obscure references.In East Coker one is confronted with this challenge. It seems that in this second of the Four Quartets Eliot is not so much displaying scholarly references, as testing the finite nature of language to probe the limitations and the extremities of human thoughts, conditions and existence.What has been thus far propounded, however, one could argue, is a readers selected and specific response, superimposed on the text. The argument puts language rather than, for example, religion, as the central critical theme of East Coker.Indeed, Wolfgang Iser, in his essay The Reading Process A Phenomenological Approach published in Reader-Response Criticism 2 argues that the text is as much dependent on the reader as the writer to give it meaning. Therefore, a biased reinvention of the text created by the lone reader becomes an irrelevance because it is the response process in relationship to the text which is important, not the product. Iser points out that the entirety of the potential text is infinitely richer than any of its individual realisations 3.

Sex and Sexuality in Dracula Essay -- European Literature Bram Stoker

Bram Stokers legend Dracula, published in 1897, explores various sexual erotic possibilities in the vampires embrace, as discussed by Leonard Wolf. The novel confronts Victorian fears of queerness that were current at the time due to the trial of playwright Oscar Wilde. The vampires embrace could also be interpreted as an illustration of Victorian fears of the changing procedure of women. Therefore it is important to consider the historical context of the novel the Victorian notion of the New Woman specifically the character of Lucy Westenra the inversion of gender roles notions of sexuality and the castration of men, by lessening their power over women in the novel Dracula. In doing this I will be able to explore the effects of the vampires embrace in depth, and achieve a wider understanding of the variety of erotic undercurrents Stoker incorporated into the novel.Stoker was born in Ireland in 1847, and later he graduated from trinity College in 1867, and joined the civil servic e. While working, as a freelance journalist and drama critic enabled him to meet Henry Irving and entered Londons literary circles, which included figures such(prenominal) as Arthur Conan Doyle and Oscar Wilde. In the course of Irvings tours he also had the chance to travel around the world. Stoker later married Florence Balcome, who had previously had a romantic encounter with Oscar Wilde. In my opinnion Stoker could not fail to be infuleced by these people while he was writing Dracula.In Dracula, Stoker relied greatly upon the conventions of Gothic fiction. traditionally gothic elements such as dark and sublime settings, and the innocent threatened by the ineffable evil obviously feature in Dracula. Stoker modernises his novel by bringing the set... ...toker, B. (1994) Dracula, Penguin Classics, London.Weissman, J. (1988) Dracula as a Victorian Novel in Dracula The Vampire and the Critics, UMI Press.Wolf, L. (1993) The essential Dracula, Byron Preiss.Wolf, L. (1972) A Dream of D racula In Search of the Living Dead, Popular Library, New York.(1997) Oscar Wilde internet can be found at http// accessed 10-11-2005(2000) Clash of Cultures The New Woman internet can be found at http// accessed on 10-11-2005(1997) Thor internet can be found at http// accessed on 10-11-2005

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Emperor?s New Clothes :: essays research papers

The Emperors New Clothes is a tale of an emperor who was exceptionally fond of new clothes. Two swindlers came unmatched day and claimed that they were weavers and said that they could weave the finest cloth ever seen. They claimed that the colours and patterns were not only exceptionally beautiful, but the clothes made from this material possessed the extraordinary quality of being invisible to anyone who was hopelessly stupid or incompetent. They were paid handsomely to weave this cloth and given a room to work, as the emperor wanted to wear his new robes in an upcoming parade. When they decided that they had finished weaving, the emperor sent in his ministers to judge the quality of the cloth. The ministers, not absent to lose their respected positions, told the emperor that it was magnificent when they could not see it at all. The emperor, believing his ministers could actually see the robes, and not wanting to seem a fool, paraded in the streets wearing the new clothes, whi ch were, of course, non-existent. The public admired the emperors clothes, for they too did not want to be labelled fools only a child came divulge and said that the emperor was actually wearing nothing at all. Upon this outburst, the rest of the public realized that this was true, and the emperor finished the parade in shame for his folly of believing the two swindlers in the first place.One of the incorrupts of this fairytale would be to not succumb to peer pressure. Had the emperor not cared about looking at like a fool in front of his ministers, he would have declared that he could see nothing, and would have asked whether the ministers could actually see anything. Another moral would be to always give your honest opinion.

The Emperor?s New Clothes :: essays research papers

The Emperors New Clothes is a tale of an emperor who was exceptionally loving of new clothes. Two swindlers came one day and claimed that they were weavers and said that they could weave the finest cloth ever seen. They claimed that the colours and patterns were not hardly exceptionally beautiful, but the clothes make from this material possessed the wonderful quality of being invisible to anyone who was hopelessly stupid or incompetent. They were paid handsomely to weave this cloth and given a room to work, as the emperor wanted to wear his new robes in an upcoming abut. When they decided that they had finished weaving, the emperor sent in his ministers to gauge the quality of the cloth. The ministers, not deficient to lose their respected positions, told the emperor that it was magnificent when they could not see it at all. The emperor, believing his ministers could in truth see the robes, and not wanting to seem a fool, paraded in the streets wearing the new clothes, which were, of course, non-existent. The public admired the emperors clothes, for they too did not want to be labelled fools only a child came out and said that the emperor was actually wearing nothing at all. Upon this outburst, the rest of the public realized that this was true, and the emperor finished the parade in shame for his stupidity of believing the two swindlers in the first place.One of the morals of this fairytale would be to not succumb to peer pressure. Had the emperor not cared about looking like a fool in front of his ministers, he would have declared that he could see nothing, and would have asked whether the ministers could actually see anything. Another moral would be to always give your honest opinion.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Physical Education Essay

1. A self-reports are completed by the subjects themselves. Proxy reports are completed for mostone who is unable to self-report accurately. A recall is a sentiment request to recall what they did at a certain time in the past (their activities). 2. A recall is answering questions asking about past events where as a diary is updated daily on an overview of umpteen things and is on more than than the recall. 3. The sources of error Poor respondent memory and/or motivation Susceptibility to socially lovable responses Under-estimation of incidental activities Low sensitivity to change.Individual variation in intensity within the same activities 4. Questionnaires are given to the participant before sensual action at law, to eviscerate the basic information about the participant including name, age, recent injuries, what they know about the physiologic activity, recent sporting activity they fix been involved in etc. Pg 327 1. A setting is typically a geographical area or impl ication containing a large, captive audience where health messages can be delivered efficiently. 2. Settings arise can be apply for health promotion to get people more active.Within the setting based approach, the choice to be sensiblely active can be made convenient, easier, safer and revelable by creating an environment to help the booking in corporeal activity. This will result in getting more people active. This statistic can then be used in advertising campaigns to promote health. 3. List possible settings in which interpellation strategies could be applied. home work community workplace 4. List the possible settings the World wellness Organisation has identified. shoals workplaces citiesclinical Pg 334 1.Read moreThe Importance of Physical EducationCharacteristics of a school setting for suitable setting physical activity. A major role in providing a physical and social environment so that children can enjoy an active life. A school setting has the can reach all chil dren, providing an opportunity to reach even inactive children. 2. The difficulties experienced of applying the experienced in applying hitch strategies in a school setting are that if there is no pressure is placed on students and teachers, a big decline in participation could occur. 3.The World Health Organisation suggests that policy-makers in education should strengthening national policies related to physical education providing sufficient playgrounds and sport facilities on school set forth increasing physical activity in cultural and leisure programs and events 4. A workplace setting makes an ideal location for delivering physical activity strategies. Many Australian adults spend a number of hours at work and travelling to and from work. In the workplace, adults are grouped together in the one location, which makes it promoting a strategy easy, influencing many adults at once. Student activities Pg 319 1.The adult did not meet the National Physical Activity Guidelines 2. Th e respective(prenominal) averaged 3 hours of physical activity a workweek 3. The individual was lone(prenominal) active on 2 days each week 4. The individual got most of their physical activity from work (Occupational) 5. 480 minutes per day was the average sedentary behaviour 6. For a 15 year old the individual did not meet the National Physical Activity Guidelines 7. The young person was only slightly under recommended minute for screen time, on screens an average of one and a half hours a day 8. The individual most common physical activity is soccer playing four times a week for two hours 9.The young person was much more active on week days participating in sport classes and soccer, whereas on weekend spent most of their time on screens. 10. Did not participate in any some other physical activities Pg 326 1. BHCS does meet the mandate with all ages groups with the amount of hours given to physical activity 2. The mandate from the department of education and early can be infor ced by monitoring schools by sending a worker to schools to check the physical activity routine 3. Primary school could open up lunchtimes to dedicated sports involving children in them and give teaches training in physical education for a broader knowledge.Chapter Review Questions Pg 338 1. a) Describe three reasons physical activity is assessed at the population level? settle down the amount of physical activity required to influence specific health area. Identify biological, psychological and environmental factors that influence physical activity. Study the relationship surrounded by physical activity and health conditions. For example, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors, mental health, and obesity. b) The difference between a recall and a survey is a recall (remember) is what they did all yesterday, last week, last month or last year depending on the measurement of time used.Usual a survey is how much physical activity you do in a typical week. c) A physical activi ty log is the personal record of the individuals physical activity. This is different to a recall survey because a recall is to recollect what they did either yesterday, last week, last month etc. d) A proxy reports are sometimes used for someone who is unable to self-report in a reliable way. They may be completed for a child by a parent. 2. a) A error of a recall survey could be that the participant answers sounds more socially accepted. They could also forget physical activity they have done, more often forgetting incidental physical activity.b) To get better quality data, you make it clear that if there is anything that the participant dont understand. You can also explain to the individual what incidental physical activity is. c) Both GPAQ and MARCA surveys have the potential to measure physical activity over all domains d) There are three different measures to tell you if you have done 150mins a week. Two only calculate the 150 minute guideline. The third measure calculates bo th 150 minutes and 5 sessions, (the guidelines for physical activity). 3. a) The spheric Physical Activity Questionnaire is a recall instrument its purpose is to assess physical activity patterns.b) Sedentary behaviour is assessed by using a 16 item GPAQ questionnaire. 4. The Active Australia Survey can measure physical activity based on a log recording a week walking for transport moderate physical activity and vigorous physical activity gardening and yard work physical activity differently from the National Health Survey 5. a) The most commonly used measurements in Australia to assess childrens physical activity and sedentary behaviour is the MARCA and come apart surveys b) No the CLASS survey is not the same as a recall survey, a recall measures the amount of physical activity during a previous day/week/month.The CLASS survey measures the amount of physical activity on a typical day or weekend. c) You would assess physical activity before and after an intervention program to s ee what the change in physical activity behaviour is. 6. a) A setting is typically a geographical area or insinuation containing a large, captive audience where health messages can be delivered efficiently. b) Three physical environment approaches are Develop well-equipped playgrounds with playground equipment, line markings on courts, walls, grassed areas and goalposts. impart walking/cycling paths around the school perimeter for use by students, families and the community. Ensure speed humps, signage, roundabouts in streets around schools to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. 7. Describe what the whimsicality walk-ability refers to and how it is measured. Walkability is the measure of the overall walking conditions of an area. Factors that are commonly assessed in walkability are crossings, lighting, shade, access to footpaths, driver behaviour, traffic calming, safety and crime. 8. a) Schools should be providingPrep to Year 3 20-30 minutes of physical education a day Years 4-6 3 hours a week of physical education and sport with a minimum purvey of 50 per cent for physical education Years 7-10 100 minutes per week each for physical education and sport Schools are recommended in providing 2-3 hours of physical activity b) List 5 factors that could be potential barriers to classroom teachers delivering physical education classes in primary schools Little amounts funds put towards physical education, throttle what equipment school has No spare classes for physical education.Computer devices being promoted in the schools, children are becoming less interested in physical education A lack of equipment or space Not enough training for teachers c) Three strategies that could be implemented to assist primary schools in meeting this mandate and overcoming some of the barriers lack of equipment, you could get some of the children sporting equtment Lack of space, play games inside the classroom Lack of training, organise a training for the teachers.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Han China and Imperial Rome Essay

lofty capital of Italy and Han chinaware are both well acknowledge empires, known as strong and fairly successful. Although the empires had some differences they also had similarities in their methods of political control. Similarities between these empires include the belief that leaders had connections to God, religious tolerance, and globe works provided to citizens.Along with the similarities in political control the differences include capital of Italy having a democracy while mainland China had a centralized bureaucracy, capital of Italy had lesser municipal repercussions while China had harsh punishments, and Rome offered assimilation to become a citizen while China did not emergency to offer assimilation because it conquered states that were already chinese. Imperial Rome and Han Dynasty are similarly structured societies. Both empires believed that their leaders had some sort of connection with God.Rome believed that their emperors were to be viewed as god-like indivi duals and were to guide them unto the right path. China called their emperors God of Heaven and the emperors had to follow the Mandate of Heaven which states God would bless the authority as leader, and if an emperor did not provide adequately for their empire they could be replaced. Han China and Rome both also tolerated religion. Rome integrated Christianity into its culture while Han China allowed for Buddhism to become integrated. Neither empire persecuted due to religion.The last comparison between Han China and Imperial Rome is the position that both empires distinct public works were important enough to spend quite a micro chip of money on and to provide to the citizens. These public works included roads, bridges, canals, and aqueducts. All of these were an important part of society as they allowed for transportation, communication, and sanitation. The organisation in both societies decided how to view the leaders, what they would permit as far as religion, and what to s pend government funding on.As well as these similarities, Rome and China had their differences. Imperial Rome differed from Han China in some aspects. For instance, Rome had divided the empire into smaller sections so it could be easier to manage, as each sector had a branch of government to control it. China did not have a Democratic approach, but a Bureaucratic approach. There was one emperor that controlled the entire empire, and the government was extremely centralized. Another difference between the government in Rome and China were punishments.Imperial Rome had short and superficial domestic repercussions compared to the strict legalism society of China. Punishments in China were swift and harsh to persuade citizens to stay in order. The Chinese believed humans were dumb and short sighted and had clearly defined laws and rules that were strictly enforced. Rome did not focus so much on punishments as China did. The last difference between these two empires are their allowance or need for assimilation. Rome conquered Germanic tribes that refused to conform to society, even though Rome offered assimilation.This would eventually lead to the end of Rome. China, however, did not need to offer assimilation due to the fact that the conquered nearby states had already accepted chinese culture to be their own, therefore having one culture throughout the empire instead of a mixture of cultures. Han China and Imperial Rome are comparable in political standards in the means of the view of leaders, that they were closest to God, how they decided to spend political funding, on public works for citizens, and their tolerance for religions, Rome allowing Christianity and China allowing Buddhism.Rome and China are contrastable in the sense of Rome being Democratic while China was Bureaucratic, Rome being lenient with punishments compared to Chinas strict legalism beliefs, and Rome offering assimilation to conquered Germanic tribes while China conquered already Chinese st ates and did not need assimilation. Both empires are valued respectively for their contributions to modern society, including their similarities and differences.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Changing Learning Styles in the Light of New Educational Technology Essay

Over the last twenty years technology is guiding our lifestyle, i. e. how we should live, how should we communicate and also how one sh tout ensemble learn. Discoll (2000) defines accomplishment as a persisting change in human performance or performance potential which must come about as a result of the assimilators experience and interaction with the world. In other words learning is defined as lasting changed state (emotional, mental physiological- skills) brought about as a result of experiences and interactions with the content or volume.This definition holds the touch that gaining acquaintance is an objective of learning (or a style) that is attainable if not already innate through any reasoning or experiences. It is known that learners create knowledge as they make attempts to understand their experience, as they are not empty vessels to be filled in with knowledge Instead learners are actively attempting to create meaning, they often select and pursue their own learnin g styles. Although it is believed that real life learning is messy and complex, besides methods which emulate the fuzziness of this kind of learning is more effective for lifelong learning.Earlier the life of knowledge is measured in decades but today as knowledge is growing exponentially, and there we may have such fields where the life of knowledge is measured in months and weeks. Today what is known may occasion obsolete after few weeks. According to (ASTD) American Society of Training & Documentation the amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the former(prenominal) 10 years and is doubling every 10 months as a result this is responsible for the shrinking half life of knowledge.It is believed that because of these trends in the development of knowledge formal education remains no more the ultimate source of learning, rather learners are switching on to a variety of sources like own(prenominal) networks, communities of practice and personal experiences. As we can no longer personally experience and acquire learning that we need to act in this digital ripen making corporations has become necessary to keep moving the learning theories.We may derive our learning, competence and expertise by forming connections with the experiences of others, as experience has long been considered the shell teacher of knowledge, so here the quote I store my knowledge in my friends mind becomes an axiom for collecting knowledge by collecting hatful of varied experiences. Chaos is the raw reality for the learners to attain knowledge, as with Chaos learners foster their understanding by deriving out the meaning of their task which has inscrutable patterns and their chaos unveil that meaning. Chaos as a science connects specialized communities and further it connects everything to anything.It recognises the adjacent patterns for new knowledge which is a key to learning. Since technology is get advanced day by day thereby altering one brain, it further defines an d shapes our thinking. In today knowledge economy it is necessary to form connection between the sources of information in order to develop useful informational patterns or a network, it can be computer or social networking which works on the simple principle that people groups systems nodes, entities all can be connected to create an integrated whole. This way sharing and exchanging of ideas may enormously lead to the notion of serendipity, innovation and creativity.In their new learning styles if students are connected to their teachers, their peers, and with other social groups through various networks. It may be possible that they come up with new ideologies and experiences which will result in the enhancement of their learning, researches in the past have indicated that cognitive (interactive and experimental) learning is the result of Mental Construction in a collaborative learning environment. It is believed that1. Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions. 2. Le arning is a process of connecting specialized nodes (experts) or information sources. 3. Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known. 4. Nurturing and maintaining connective bonds is needed to facilitate continual learning. 5. An ability to seek connections between fields, ideas and concepts is a skilful learning. 6. Updated knowledge is the index of all learning activities. Learners change as the knowledge keeps on changing from time to time, learning styles acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an indispensable individualisticistic activity and learners no more permissive sponges.It requires us to rethink and redesign our learning styles for the digital age. This paper is an attempt to provide an insight into new form of learning style and tasks needed for learners to compete and flourish in this age. Connections based on small efforts of many with the large efforts of few, where flow of knowledge starts when the individu al enters into his social network, add something from the global nodes comes back to him. Radio and television, print media are just a one way preposition, they push their contents to us, but the mesh is a two way push and pull.It connects the learners directly to the sources it can be live as on line and wrap upline too. Web has the ability of two ship canal reciprocity, another important aspect of learning through web is that it is the medium that honours the notion of multiple intelligences as experts from all over the world are at an ease to contribute their knowledge at a single platform. Web has become a great tool for writers as they provide the learners learning with entertainment, it has multiple forms of intelligence abstract, textual, visual, musical social and kinaesthetic.Learning through web has a chance to construct a medium that enables all young people to become engaged in their ideal way of learning. The Web affords the oppose we need between a medium and how a particular person learns. whiz of the goal of Learner is to have course curricular to be offered in multiple formats teach Led, CD- Rom, DVD, Video and internet , Mobile Phones, Spoken and written Information, Conferencing, realistic Classrooms etc.The right technology used appropriately can greatly enhance the learning experience. The key to choosing the right technology to support learning is to match the technology to the learner and the learning context. E-learning has a two way benefit for learners, one to have professional lessons from the experts and to have the lessons available at anytime as online humble matter of different courses is being delivered over the internet, and is available for all learners.The most common function used in online learning style is electronic escape that allows students and teachers to send and receive messages along with attached files. In addition web conferencing capabilities let participants conduct multi-person discussions, either in r eal time (chats) online or off time, combination of technology with personal contact and support is optimal for pedagogy. If the faculty members of distant learning integrate technology into their teaching it will be of great help in mentoring and giving time to time support to the learners.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Erie Polymers joint venture Essay

INTRODUCTIONERIE speciality chemicals was a guild which is based in Cleveland, Ohio, which moved to china collect to the key support provided by them in expanding their industrial capacity relating to chemicals. In order to expand its production in China performance polymers had merged with Wuhan plastics factory to form Wuhan Erie Polymers (WEP). Stanley Wong was the manager of the aggroup that negotiated the joint approximate and soon became general manager and then chairperson of the Joint venture. Though he was very pleased with his transfer back to Gary, he wasnt finished yet. He wanted to nominate a successor who would take the company to another(prenominal) level. He was a great leader as he motivated his employees in many aspects and he had also created a unique floriculture between the Chinese and the western practices.Ans1) if I had to advice the organisation on who to succeed Wong then I would choose MR Henri Boulanger as he has been in the organisation for the past 1 6 days and he also has 24 years of effect experience. Though he lacks Chinese skills he yet gets along well with his Chinese subordinates. He has also been very effective in his up-to-date position and he has also introduced certain techniques such as marketing and net functional which is very important for any organisation. According to me due to his intelligence and energetic levels he would also be able to inculcate leadership and adapt certain principles in the organisation in order for it to run efficiently and smoothly.He would constitute a democratic leadership style where he will consult many employees in the organisation before taking any important finis regarding the companys future. certain(prenominal) theories relating to leadership be needed in many organizations for it to perform on a high scale. 1) Trait approach to leadership-Managers jakes utilize the information from the theory to evaluate their position in the organization and to assess how their position will be do stronger in the organization. This theory plays the managers shit their strengths and weaknesses and they hind end also get an understanding of how to develop their leadership qualities2) Behavioral approach- this approach involves structuring the roles of the subordinates by providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways which will increase the performance of the group. Certain types of tasks are given to employees in order to meet the goals of the organization3) Contingency approach to leadership-this theory refers to the group atmosphere and to the degree of confidence, loyalty, and attraction the followers aspect nigh their leader. If certain favourable situations occur then there has been a positive relationship between the followers and the leader which means that the task was intelligibly defined and there is a clear leader position power.Certain principles which would be inculcated by MR Boulanger in the organization such as1) Division of work2) Au thority and obligation3) Discipline4) Unity of command5) Unity of direction6) Remuneration7) orderans2) cross cultural differences and diversity conflictsthe success of the joint venture depends upon the compatibility of the partners and this compatibility involves culture as well. Culpan (2002) suggests that for each one partner in the joint venture brings its own culture and if these cultures are not compatible then they will make the joint venture vulnerable. depending upon the source, it was reported that 37 and 70 percent joint ventures fail because of cross cultural differences between partners.These joint ventures reserve been reported to survive from communication,cooperation, commitment, and conflict-resolution problems caused by partners value and behaviour differences, which in turn causes interaction problems that adversely requires the joint venture performance. Moreover, value and behaviour differences between culturally distant partners decide interpretations an d responses to strategic and managerial issues, compounding difficulties when making transactions and sharing information in inter issue joint ventures (Mohr and Spekman, 1994).There are two types of cultures that directly affect the joint venture, first one is the organizational culture and second one is the national culture. Lane and Beamish (1990) stated that the problem in IJVs is due to the influence of the national culture on the behaviour and wariness system that leads to conflicts and differences in the workplace. The organizational culture plays a significant role in the execute of knowledge within the organization but at the same time it can also act like obstruction in the process (Almeida et al. 2002). The national culture evolves around societal norms consisting of values which are shared by major part of the population. Once, a system has been developed it is very hard to assortment and any variation in the institution does not affect the societal norms due to the d eeper levels of values and beliefs. (Hofstede, 2001, p.11)There are 3 broad categories used by the western organizations in order to manage differences in cultures when operating internationally. The first is that the organization can build a strong organizational culture internationally so that all parts of the organization, wherever they are located, share the same organizational culture. This approach assumes that the homogeneity of cultures creates the best way of managing the organization. This approach had also been criticised because in order of reproducing the culture to its simplest form the distinctiveness of the culture can be lost.The second approach for managing differences in culture is to develop a common skillful or professional culture. This approach does not try to ensure homogeneity within the work force but it rather, seeks uniformity through strong monetary and planning systems. The organizational complex body partdictates procedures and processes, as well as specifying the sources of expertise and decision making within the organizational hierarchy.The third approach is to leave each culture alone, allowing each subsidiary to develop its own organizational culture, which is probably tied to the national culture with varying degrees of influence.Hofstede (2001) came up with five dimensions of the national culture which all societies have to cope with and they used to measure cultural differences between organizations1) power distance- the higher the power distance the more centralized and hierarchical the structure of the organization is. All organizations should increase their power distance in order to overcome any cultural barriers 2) uncertainty avoidance- organizations with high uncertainty avoidance are usually bigger in size and the loyalty is much stronger. These organizations are usually reluctant towards new technology and are more prone towards change. (Hofstede 2001)3) identity and collectivism- this dimension measures the e xtent of the relationships an individual has towards the organization. Organizations having high IDV show individualistic and task oriented behaviour of employees (Hofstede 2001) 4) Masculinity and femininity- organizations with high masculinity, promotes competitiveness and personal accomplishments and the managers are do by as heroes (Hofstede 2001) 5) Long vs short term orientation- if the organizations have a low LTO then importance is given to short term results. (Hofstede 2001)On the basis of these dimensions we can easily evaluate and improve the national culture which directly influences the culture of the organizations working within that environment.Ans 3) Evaluating a successorStanley Wong who was the general manager of this company wanted to find a successor who would lead this company very well in order to maximize its sales and increase their productivity.With reference to certain concepts we can evaluate Wongs challenge of finding a successor1) Performance management - performance management should be seen as a collective responsibility of employees and employers to see that there is continuous improvement in the tasks, activities and jobs that are agreed upon for achieving the organizations vision, mission goals and objectives.Mathis and Jackson (2008) suggested that certain responsibilities managers need to take into account while managing the company.1) shot agendas- this includes taking responsibilities and setting goals and objectives for themselves and the squads. 2) Handling relationships- managing people is about managing superiors, customers, suppliers and other external contacts 3) Management values- understands what assortediate successful and appropriate management behaviour 4) Personality qualities- create the necessary personal and psycho-logical characteristics to be able to deal with inevitable chaos, ambiguity and stress associated with managerial jobs 5) Self- awareness- understanding ones personal style of leadership and w orking patterns and how this mogul have an impact on others.There are also methods for management development1) Coaching- this is relevant for particular individuals experiencing motivation or self-confidence 2) Project work- this involves working in cross cultural teams on particular projects. It provides exposure to different functions, ways of thinking and doing things, as well as providing an opportunity to learn about different parts of the organization. 3) Action learning- this approach capitalises by the fact that many people learn most effectively is by doing things. It also represents a team activity by which members are set out to define and solve a problem. 4) Secondments- this provides development for an individual through a job in another organization for a defined period. It also provides a way of broadening experience and of forcing the individual to leave their comfort zone by having to experience different way of doing things 5) Developmentcentres- the purpose of d evelopment centres is to focus on opportunities for directly to employees might undermine their power base and again concessions might be made unwisely.Thus there are certain concepts which are related to the challenges faced by Mr Wong in finding a successor.ConclusionsThus I would like to conclude by saying that the company might face a difficult period for a short time when Wong gets transferred. The new general manager would have to go through a challenging process in order to overcome cultural barriers and diversity conflicts in the organization. By introducing certain western management practices the company will be able to challenge on many fronts and also all the other employees will get along well with the Chinese employees and the company will run efficiently and smoothly.References1) Flat World Knowledge, (2014). Principles of Management 1.0 Flat World Education. Retrieved 26 November 2014, from http// 2) Manag,. (2014). Trait Theory of Leadership. Retrieved 26 November 2014, from http// 3) Martin, J. (2009). Human resource management. Los Angeles SAGE. 4), (2014). Henri Fayols Principles of Management Early Management Theory. Retrieved 26 November 2014, from http// 5), (2014). Leadership Theories and Studies organization, system, style, manager, definition, model, type, company, workplace, business. Retrieved 25 November 2014, from http// 6) Silverthorne, C. (2005). Organizational psychology in cross-cultural perspective. New York, N.Y. New York University Press. 7)

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst

The Scarlet Ibis is a short story by James Hurst weaving the tragic account of Doodle, a disabled child and his companion, the narrator. Doodles life has been a series of close calls the only reason he is alive is the love and persistence and occasional roughness of his brother. Brothers only motivation is to make Doodle like other kids in order to avoid the embarrassment of having a six-year-old brother who cannot even walk, amounting to what is, in essence, a battle with his hold ego.As the story continues, Brother tries to fix the irreparable hole in his heart caused by his shame and selfishness toward Doodle. Brother is constantly reminding Doodle of his own debility, bringing to light Doodles unwillingness to participate in his brothers cold-blooded attempts to point out Doodles mortality. When Brother makes Doodle touch the casket, he knows what to expect from Doodle. Doodle was paralyzed, so I put him on my shoulder and carried him down the ladder, and even when we were outside in the sunlight, he clung to me, crying, Dont leave me.Dont leave me. (486). Doodle is utterly terrified of the casket, and his brother is aware of it. By making Doodle touch the casket, he is imprinting upon Doodle that he can never be normal, that he will of all time be teetering on the brink of life and death, never to be able to live up to his full potential. However cruel Brothers actions may be, he whitewash takes an interest in Doodle, purely for his self-satisfaction. When Doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldnt walk, so I muckle out to teach him. (488) Brother teaches Doodle how to walk, but it is purely for his own conscience. Embarrassed by Doodles condition, he tries to fix Doodles many abnormalities, without considering Doodles own views and feelings. The only issue that Brother wanted was a sibling with which he could play with, and the arrival of Doodle shattered his hopes. As a result, he makes Doodle pay fo r it on many occasions, the last of which took the life of his younger brother. For a long, long time, it seemed forever, I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from the heresy of the rain. (493). In the end, Brother in conclusion realizes the effects his actions have on young Doodle. The emotional trauma of his brother abandoning him in the rain combined with his preexisting physical conditions came together in a perfect storm, bringing to light the final effects of Brothers ambition-driven actions, a simple childhood act of spite with devastating results. Throughout the story, Brother tries to show both(prenominal) sides of the double-edged sword that is felicitate. I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death. (488) Brothers pride pushes him to prey Doodle an existence a room from his bed, and it is this obsession that leads to Doodles tragic demise. Brothers pride did create a facsimile of real life for Doodle, but in the end, it crumbled, brought to its knees by pride and selfishness. Brother did love Doodle, but his ego overshadowed the fact the he was just trying to protect Doodle from a world that doesnt tolerate those that are different.Doodle dies tragic and broken, abandoned by the one person he looked up to. Brother proves himself no better than Doodle, showing himself to be as morally destitute as Doodle is physically incapable. In the end, however, Brother realizes that Doodle could not have led the life he left without his big brother leading the way for him. Brother may have acted cruelly toward his brother, but in the end, he realizes that some things cannot be changed, no matter the amount of love and persistence.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Business Ethics and Corporate Governance in Lic of India

OVERVIEW INSURANCE- AN INTRODUCTION Meaning restitution may be render upd as a kindly invention to ensure valueion of economic value of spiritedness and other assets. Under the plan of indemnification, a huge descend of people associate themselves by sharing risks attached to individuals. The risks, which can be insured against, include fire, the perils of sea, death and accidents and burglary. Any risk contingent upon these, may be insured against at a pension commensurate with the risk involved. Thus, collective bearing of risk is restitution. Insurance = Collective Bearing of RisksInsurance is a contract whereby, in return for the payment of tout ensembleowance by the insured, the insurers pay the pecuniary losses suffered by the insured as a proceeds of the occurrence of unforeseen events. The term risk is used to describe the possibility of adverse results flowing from any occurrence or the accidental happenings, which produce a mo concludingary loss. Insuranc e is a pool in which a large number of people exposed to a similar risk make contributions to a common fund out of which the losses suffered by the piteous few, due to accidental events, atomic number 18 made good. The sharing of risk among large groups of people is the basis of amends.Related article Disadvantages of moral philosophy in BusinessThe losses of an individual ar distributed everywhere a group of individuals. Insurance is nothing but a system of spreading the risk of one onto the shoulders of many. While it becomes sanely impossible for a man to bear by himself 100% loss to his own property or recreate arising out of an unforeseen contingency, Insurance is a method or process which distributes the burden of the loss on a number of persons within the group formed for this get outicular purpose. Definitions Fundamental Definition In the words of D. S. Hansell, Insurance accumulates contributions of all parties participating in the scheme. Contractual Definition In the words of Justice Tindall, Insurance is a contract in which a sum of money is paid to the assured as consideration of insurers incurring the risk of paying a large sum upon a developn contingency. Working of Insurance Insurance Industry in India The origin of demeanor insurance in India can be traced put up to 1818 with the formation of the Oriental liveliness Insurance Company in Calcutta. It was conceived as a means to provide for English Widows. In those days a higher reward was charged for Indian lives than the non-Indian lives as Indian lives were considered riskier for coverage.The Bombay Mutual Life Insurance Society that started its trading in 1870 was the first beau monde to charge same subsidy for both Indian and non-Indian lives. In 1912, insurance regulation formally began with the passing of Life Insurance Companies operation and the Provident Fund Act. By 1938, there were 176 insurance companies in India. But a number of frauds during 1920s and 1930s t ainted the image of insurance industry in India. In 1938, the first comprehensive code regarding insurance was introduced with the passing of Insurance Act of 1938 that provided strict State Control over insurance business.Insurance sector in India grew at a hot pace after independence. In 1956, Government of India brought together 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies infra one matterized monopoly corporation and formed Life Insurance stomach (LIC) by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore. Before 1956, insurance was private with minimal government intervention. In 1956, life insurance was nationalized and a monopoly was created. In 1972, general insurance was nationalized as well.But, unlike life insurance, a different structure was created for the industry. India had the nineteenth largest insurance market in the instauration in 2003. Strong economic growth in the last decade combined with a population of over a billion makes it one of the potentially largest markets in the early. Insurance in India has gone done with(predicate) two radical transformations. One holding company was formed with four subsidiaries. As a part of the general opening up of the economy after 1992, a Government appointed committee recommended that private companies should be allowed to operate.It took six courses to implement the recommendation. mysterious sector was allowed into insurance business in 2000. However, foreign ownership was restricted. No more than than 26% of any company can be foreign- owned. A moreover regulation free regime ended in 1912 with the introduction of regulation of life insurance. A comprehensive regulatory scheme came into place in 1938. This was disable through nationalization in what fits we examine the insurance industry in India through different regulatory regimes. But, the Insurance Act of 1938 became relevant again in 2000 with deregulation.With a strong hint of susta ined growth of the economy in the recent past, the Indian market is likely to grow substantially over the coterminous few decades. The rest of the chapter is organized as deciphers. First, we study the evolution of insurance business before nationalization. This is Copernican because the denationalized structure brought back to on a lower floortake important healthy rules from 1938. Next we psychoanalyse the nationalized era separately for life and property casualty business as they were not nationalized simultaneously.Much of post-independence narrative of insurance in India was the history of nationalized insurance. In the following section, we examine the impertinent legal structure introduced after the industry was denationalized in 2000. In the penultimate section, we examine the current state of play and retched future of the industry. Important Milestones in the Life insurance business in India * 1870 Bombay Mutual life assurance society is the first Indian owned li fe insurer. * 1912 The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to regulate the life insurance business. 1928 The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to collect statistical information just nearly both life and non-life insurance businesses. * 1938 Earlier legislation con unanimousated and amended to by the Insurance Act with the objective of protecting the interests of the insuring habitual. * 1956 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over by the central government and nationalized. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament- LIC Act 1956- with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crores from the Government of India. * 1997 Insurance regulator IRDA set up. 2000 IRDA starts giving licenses to private insurers like Kotak Life Insurance, ICICI Prudential and HDFC Standard Life insurance first private insurers to sell a policy. * 2001 Royal Sundaram Alliance first non life insurer to sell a policy. * 2002 Banks were all owed to sell insurance plans. As threesome Party Administrations (TPAs) enter the scene, insurers start setting non-life claims in the cashless mode. * 2004-05 The Government proposed for increasing the foreign equity stake to 49%. * 2007 First Online Insurance portal, set up by an Indian Insurance Broker, Bonsai Insurance Broking Pvt.Ltd. LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION ACT, 1956 An act to provide for the nationalization of life insurance business in India by transferring all such business to a stack established for the purpose and to provide for the regulation and control of the business of the locoweed and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BUSINESS ETHICS Ethics aremoral guidelineswhich governgood behavior. So behaving ethically isdoing what is morally advanced. Behaving ethically in business is wide regarded as good business practice. To provide you with a couple of quotes honest principles and standards in business * Define acceptable conduct in business * S hould tolerate how management make decisions An important distinction to remember is that behaving ethically is not quite the same thing as behaving law spaciousy * Ethicsare about what is right and what is wrong * Lawis about what is lawful and what is unlawful You give probably note the link between business ethics and merged social responsibility (CSR). The two concepts are closely linked * A socially responsible firm should be an ethical firm * An ethical firm should be socially responsibleHowever there is also a distinction between the two * CSR is about responsibility to all stakeholders and not just shareholders * Ethics is aboutmorally correct behavior How do businesses ensure that its directors, managers and employees act ethically? A common approach is to implement acode of practice. Ethical codes are increasingly popular particularly with larger businesses and cover areas such as * embodied social responsibility * Dealings with clients and supply chain * environmenta l policy & actions * Rules for face-to-face and corporate integrity NEED OR IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS ETHICSThese 12 points below discuss the need, grandeur of business ethics 1. Stop business malpractices Some unscrupulous businessmen do business malpractices by indulging in unfair trade practices like black marketing, contrived high pricing, adulteration, cheating in weights and measures, change of duplicate and harmful products, hoarding etc. These malpractices are harmful to the consumers. Business ethics help to stop these business malpractices. 2. Improve customers confidence Business ethics are needed to improve the customers confidence about the quantity, quality, price, etc of the products.The customers take on more trust and confidence in the businessmen who follow ethical rules. 3. Survival of business Business ethics are mandatory for the excerption of the business. The businessmen who do not follow it leave alone live short term success, but they allow fail in the long run. This is because they can cheat a consumer however once. After that, the consumer will not spoil products from that businessman. He will also tell others not to buy from that businessman. So this will defame his image and provoke a negative publicity. This will result in the failure of the business. in that respectfore, if the businessmen do not follow ethical rules, he will fail in the market. 4. Safeguarding consumers rights The consumer has many rights such as right to health and safety, right to be informed, right to choose, right to be heard, right to redress, etc. But many businessmen do not respect and protect these rights. Business ethics are must to safeguard these rights of the consumers. 5. Protecting employees and shareholders Business ethics are required to protect the interest of employees, shareholders, competitors, dealers, suppliers, etc. It protects them from exploitation through unfair trade practices. . Develops good relations Business ethics are impor tant to develop good and friendly relations between business and society. This will result in a regular supply of good quality goods and assistants at low prices to the society. It will also result in net income for the businessmen thereby resulting in growth of economy. 7. Creates good image Business ethics create a good image for the business and businessmen. If the businessmen follow all ethical rules, then they will be fully accepted and not criticized by the society. The society will always support those businessmen who follow this necessary code of conduct. 8.Smooth functioning If the business follows all the business ethics, then the employees, shareholders, consumers, dealers and suppliers will all be happy. So they will give full cooperation to the business. This will result in the smooth functioning of the business. 9. Consumer movement Business ethics are gaining importance because of the growth of the consumer movement. Today the consumers are aware of their rights. o utright they are more organized and cannot be cheated easily. They take actions against those businessmen who indulge in bad business practices. They boycott poor quality, harmful, high priced and duplicate goods.Therefore, the save way to suffer in business is to be honest and fair. 10. Consumer joy Today, consumer is the king of the market. Any business simply cannot survive without the consumers. Therefore, the main aim or objective is consumer satisfaction. If the consumer is not satisfied, then there will be no sales and thus no profits too. Consumer will be satisfied only if the business follows all the business ethics, and hence are highly needed. 11. Importance of labour Labour i. e. employees or achievementers play a very crucial place in the success of a business.Therefore, business must use business ethics while dealing the employees. The business must give them proper stipend and salaries and provide them with better working conditions. There must be good relations between employer and employees. The employees must also be given proper well-being facilities. 12. Healthy competition The business must use business ethics while dealing with the competitors. They must have healthy competition with the competitors. They must not do cut throat competition. Similarly, they must give equal opportunities to small-scale business. They must avoid monopoly.This is because monopoly is harmful for the consumers. unified GOVERNANCE Good corporate judicature contributes to a companys competitiveness and reputation, Corporate governanceis the system by which companies are directed and controlled. It involves regulatory and market mechanisms, and the roles and consanguinitys between a companys management, its menu, its shareholdersand otherstakeholders, and the goals for which the corporation is governed. In contemporary business corporations, the main external stakeholder groups are shareholders, debt holders, tradecreditors, uppliers, customers and comm unities affected by the corporations activities. . Internal stakeholders are theboard of directors,executives, and other employees. Much of the contemporary interest in corporate governance is concerned with mitigation of the conflicts of interests between stakeholders. Ways of mitigating or preventing these conflicts of interests include the processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions which have furbish up on the way a company is controlled. An important theme of corporate governance is the nature and finis ofaccountabilityof people in thebusiness.IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The need, significance or importance of corporate governance is listed below 1. Changing Ownership Structure In recent historic period, the ownership structure of companies has changed a plow. Public financial institutions, mutual funds, etc are the single largest shareholder in most of the large companies. So, they have effective control on the management of the companies. They draw out th e companies to use corporate governance. That is, they put pressure on the management to become more efficient, transparent, responsible, etc.They also ask the management to make consumer-friendly policies, to protect all social groups and to protect the environment. So, the changing ownership structure has resulted in corporate governance. 2. Importance of sociable Responsibility Today, social responsibility is given a lot of importance. The Board of Directors has to protect the rights of the customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, local communities, etc. This is possible only if they use corporate governance. 3. Growing Number of Scams In recent years, many scams, frauds and corrupt practices have taken place.Misuse and misappropriation of public money are happening everyday in India and worldwide. It is happening in the stock market, banks, financial institutions, companies and government offices. In order to avoid these scams and financial irregularities, many companies have started corporate governance. 4. Indifference on the part of Shareholders In general, shareholders are inactive in the management of their companies. They only attend the Annual general meeting. Postal ballot is still absent in India. Proxies are not allowed to speak in the meetings. Shareholders associations are not strong.Therefore, directors ill-treat their power for their own benefits. So, there is a need for corporate governance to protect all the stakeholders of the company. 5. Globalization Today most big companies are selling their goods in the global market. So, they have to attract foreign investor and foreign customers. They also have to follow foreign rules and regulations. All this requires corporate governance. Without Corporate governance, it is impossible to enter, survive and succeed the global market. 6. Takeovers and Mergers Today, there are many takeovers and mergers in the business world.Corporate governance is required to protect the interest of all the p arties during takeovers and mergers. 7. SEBI SEBI has made corporate governance compulsory for certain companies. This is done to protect the interest of the investors and other stakeholders. PROFILE OF THE ORGANISATION LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA Life Insurance Corporation of India(LIC) is the largestinsurance groupandinvestment companyin India. Its a state-owned whereGovernment of India has 100% stake. LIC also funds close to 24. 6% of the Indian Governments expenses. It has assets estimated of13. 25 trillion (US$264. 4 billion). It was founded in 1956 with the mergerof 243 insurance companies and provident societies. Headquartered inMumbai, financial and commercial capital of India, the Life Insurance Corporation of India currently has 8 zonal Offices and 113 divisional offices located in different partsof India, around 3500 servicing offices including 2048 branches, 54 Customer Zones, 25 Metro Area Service Hubs and a number of Satellite Offices located in different citie s and towns ofIndia and has a network of 13,37,064 individual agents, 242 Corporate Agents, 79 Referral Agents, 98 Brokers and 42 Banks (as on 31. 3. 011) for soliciting life insurance business from the public. The guideword of LIC is Yogakshemam Vahamyaham which translates from Sanskrit to Your welfare is our responsibility. The slogan is derived from the Ancient Hindu text, theBhagavad Gitas 9th Chapter, 22nd verse. The literal translation from Sanskrit to English is I carry what you require. The slogan can be seen in the logo and is written in Devanagiri script below the hands holding the lamp. Type State-owned Industry Financial services Founded 1 September 1956Headquarters Mumbai,India Key people D. K. Mehrotra, (Chairman) Products Lifeandinsurance, investment,mutual fund pith assets 13. 25 trillion (US$264. 34 billion)(2010) Owner(s) Government of India Employees 115,966 (2010) Subsidiaries LIC Housing Finance LIC cards Services LIC Nomura Mutual Fund Website www. licindi a. in OBJECTIVES OF LIC OF INDIA * Spread Life Insurance widely and in particular to the rural areas and to the socially and economically backward classes with a view to reaching all insurable persons in the country and providing them adequate financial cover against death at a reasonable cost. Maximize mobilization of peoples savings by making insurance-linked savings adequately attractive. * Bear in mind, in the investment of funds, the principal(a) obligation to its policyholders, whose money it holds in trust, without losing sight of the interest of the community as a whole the funds to be deployed to the best advantage of the investors as well as the community as a whole, retentiveness in view national priorities and obligations of attractive return. * Conduct business with utmost economy and with the full realization that the moneys belong to the policyholders. Act as trustees of the insured public in their individual and collective capacities. * Meet the various life insur ance needs of the community that would arise in the changing social and economic environment. * guide all people working in the Corporation to the best of their capability in furthering the interests of the insured public by providing efficient service with courtesy. * Promote amongst all agents and employees of the Corporation a sense of participation, pride and job satisfaction through discharge of their duties with dedication towards achievement of Corporate mark. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shri D. K.Mehrotra,(CHAIRMAN, LIC ) Shri T. S. Vijayan,(Managing Director, LIC ) Shri Thomas Mathew T. (Managing Director, LIC ) Shri Sushobhan Sarker(Managing Director, LIC ) Shri R. Gopalan,(Secretary, Department of economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. ) ShriD. K. Mittal,(Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. ) ShriA. K. Roy,(Chairman cum Managing Director, GIC. ) Shri M. V. Tanksale,(Chairman & Managing Director, Central Bank of India ) Lt. General Arvind Mahajan (Retd. ) Shri Anup Prakash Garg Shri Sanjay Jain Shri Ashok Singh Shri K. S. SampathShri Amardeep Singh Cheema ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OPERATIONS AWARDS WON BY LIC OF INDIA IN 2011-12 Readers turn out sure Brand in the platinum category. Superbrands Asian Leadership Award LIC has been ranked Number One Trusted Service Brand in the EconomicTimes Brand candour Survey Rated as the Most Preferred Life Insurance Company of the year at the CNBC Dainik Bhaskar Group Bombay Chamber Of Commerce ABCI Star News- Customer centrical Brand Award PROBLEMS OF LIC OF INDIA The live insurer, LIC and GIC, have created a large group of dissatisfiedcustomers due to the poor quality of service.Hence there will be shift of large number of customers from LIC and GIC to the private insurers. LIC may face problem of surrender of a large number of policies, as sunrise(prenominal) insurers will accost them by offer of innovative products at lower prices. The cor porate clients under group schemes and salarysavings schemes may shift their loyalty from LIC to the private insurers. There is a likelihood of exit of young dynamic managers from LIC to the private insurer, as they will get higher package of remuneration. LIC has overstaffing and with the introduction of full computerization, a large number of the employees will be surplus.However they cannot be retrenched. Hence the operating costs of LICwill not be reduced. This will be a wrong inthe competitive market, as the new insurers will operate with lean office and high technology to reduce the operating costs. GIC and its four subsidiary companies are going to face more challenges, because their management expenses are very high due to surplus staff. They cant reduce their number due to service rules. Management of claims willput strain on the financial resources, GIC and its subsidiaries since it is not up the mark. LIC has more than to 60 products and GIC has more than 180 products in their kitty, which are outdated in the array context as they are not suitable to the changing needs of the customers. Not only that they are not competent enough to complete with the new products offered by foreign companies in the market. Reaching the consumer expectations on par with foreign companies such as better yield and muchimproved quality ofservice particularly in thearea of settlement ofclaims, issue of newpolicies, transfer of the policies and revival of policies in the liberalized market is very difficult to LIC and GIC. Intense competition from new insurers inwinning the consumers by multi- distribution channels, which willinclude agents, brokers, corporate intermediaries, bank branches, affinity groups and direct marketing through telesales and interest. The market very soon will be flooded by a large number of products by fairly large number of insurers operating in the Indian market. Even with restrain range of products offered by LIC and GIC, the consumers are confused in the market. Their confusion will further increase inthe face for large number of products in themarket.Theexisting level of awareness of the consumers for insurance products is very low. It is so because only 62% of the Indian population is literate and less than 10% educated. Even the educated consumers are ignorant about the various products of the insurance. The insurers will have to facean acute problem of the redressal of the consumers, grievances for deficiency in products and services. Increasing awareness willbring number of legal cases filledby the consumers against insurers is likelyto increase substantially in future. Major challenges in canalizing the growth of insurance sector are product innovation, distribution network, investment management, customerserviceand education. SWOT ANALYSIS OF LIC OF INDIA STRENGTHS * Indias top insurance company and best among Public sector company. * Provide better nucleotide than any other Public company. * Brand Imag e * Govt Guarantee * Claims settlement * Pan India presence * Large product portfolio WEAKNESSES * Average waiting time for the customer is 15 to 20 minutes. * No separate customer bursting charge unit * Lethargic Staff * Mediocre Top Bosses Large scale Corruption in Main Office * Ultra-Slow decision making process * Internal problems between Top Management and lower cadre Employees OPPORTUNITIES * Setup a marketing cell at the local branch. * Ensure that policies are diversified across several customer segments * Pension Market * Health Insurance * Large Real land portfolio THREATS * Growth of private players has led to shifting emphasis from public sector companies. * Internal discord * New players * Red-tapism COMPETITION INFORMATION Main Competitors of LIC * SBI Life Insurance Company * ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Birla Sun Life Insurance Company * HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company * Reliance Life Insurance Company COMPARISON 1. Policies and Premium 2. Claims P aid 3. Profit of the year 2011-2012 4. Life Fund Policies and Premium Claims Paid Profit of the Year 2010-11 Research methodological analysis Research is the process of systematic and in depth study to search for a particular subject topic or area of investigation okay by the Collection, Compilation, Analysis or Interpretation of data. It is more systematic study or activity directed towards discovery and the development of organized body of knowledge. advantage of Research depends upon the scientific methods used. There are various methods for Collecting the data. But it is not advisable and even possible to used all the methods. Every tec must know the purpose of his study. For doing research one must set questions accordingly one has to find out and the answers through his own investigation. This Study is conducted to analyze the business ethics and corporate governance in Life Insurance Corporation of India. The data are basically segregated into two parts a) first-string Data b) Secondary Data. a) Primary Data -Primary Data is collected during the course of doing experiments in an experimental research. There are several methods for collecting primary data. b) Secondary Data- Secondarydata, is data collected by someone other than the user. Secondary data are data which are collected by someone in past that includes previous year annual report, magazines, project report etc. For my project report, Ihad used secondary data under which Iused annual reports which includesbalance sheets, PL a/c, and other general information. Limitation of the Project ReportFollowings are the limitations of the project work taken by me ? One of the limitations of this project study is of the time limitation. It is somehow difficult to fully know any big presidency like LIC of India in this limited timeperiod. ? Senior managers and others officers in LIC of India are also very busy. They do not have enough time for solving our queries in details. Objective of the study The o bjectives have been classified by me in this project form personal to professional but here I am not disclosing my personal objectives which have been achieved by me while doing the project.Only professional objectives which are being covered by me in this project are as following- * To know about the business ethics and corporate governance of the organization. * To know the contribution of the organization to the society. * To know about the reliability of the organization. Scope of the Study So I am working on the project Business Ethics and Corporate Governance in LIC of India with the scope that I will get to know * What ethics has the organization adopted? * What is organization doing for the welfare of the society? How reliable is the organization? Vision and Mission of LIC of India Mission Explore and enhance the quality of life of people through financial security by providing products and services of aspired attributes with competitive returns, and by rendering resources f or economic development. Vision A trans-nationally competitive financial conglomerate of significance to societies and superbia of India. Core Values of LIC of India * Caring and Courtesy * Initiative and Innovation * Integrity and Transparency * Quality and Returns * Participation and Relationship Trustworthiness and Reliability Ethics followed by LIC of India * Provide insurance cover and financial security to every insurable person. * Conduct all aspects of business keeping in view its interest and national priorities. * Provide them prompt, efficient and courteous service. * Act as trustees of their funds and invest the fund to their best advantage. * Conduct business with utmost economy and on efficacious business principles. Social advantages to LIC of India Providing organizational guidelines for business integrity in turbulent times. Helping employees deal with ethical issues they face daily on the job. Building solid company teamwork and productivity. Creating an ins urance policy to help ensure that company policies and procedures are legal. Avoiding criminal acts of omission which can lower potential fines. Reinforcing the values associated with quality management, strategical planning, and diversity management. Promoting a strong public image. Corporate Governance in LIC of India Adherence to good Corporate Governance is an integral part of the philosophy of LICs business conduct.The driving forces behind institutionalizing the practices of good Corporate Governance are various proactive measures, initiatives and guidance by the Government, LIC Board and its Sub Committees along with LICs Human Resources and Agents. Our practice of operational transparency, information sharing, accountability and ensuring dialogue with all the stakeholders in addition to formulation of value-based policies and practices at all levels made us to blow good Corporate Governance. This has enabled us to enhance our Brand Equity, strengthen stake of sharehold ers and maintain a healthy environment within the organization.This has led to a perpetrate organizational focus on the customer service which in turn has contributed to a good growth in business. CORPORATE amicable RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. Sponsorship of CSR by LIC of India 2009-12 I. Group Schemes and Social Security Claims under various Social Security Schemes 1, 02,950 claims amounting to Rs. 287. 4 crore paid under Social Security Schemes. a) Scholarships of Rs. 102. 53 crore was disbursed to 13, 78,744 students as a free add on benefit to the children of the members of Janashree Bima Yojana under Shiksha Sahayog Yojana during the year 2010-11. b) Scholarship for total amount of Rs. 81. 85 crore was distributed to 8, 40,568 studen ts as a free add on benefit to the children of members of AABY Shiksha Sahayog Yojana during the year 2010-11. Social Security Cover Total 2. 57 crore lives have been given insurance cover under various Social Security Scheme during 2010-11. Aam Admi Bima YojanaAam Admi Bima Yojana was launched on 2nd Oct. 2007 and a total of 47, 01,814 lives under 17 states were insured during the year bringing the total lives covered under the scheme since inception to 1,77,47,480. II. Investment in Social Sector The total investments of the Corporation amounted to Rs. 12, 66, 539. 04 crore as at 31st March, 2011. The Corporation subscribed an amount of Rs. 65, 521. 83 crore (face value) and Rs. 40, 254. 38 crore (face value) to the Securities of the Government of India and the new loan issues of the various State Governments respectively during 2010-2011.SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES It has been the constant endeavour of the Corporation to provide security to as many people as possible and to channelis e the savings mobilised for the welfare of the people at large. To meet this end, the Corporation has been promoting Social Welfare through investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector which includes * Projects/Schemes for generation and transmission of Power, * Housing Sector, * Water Supply and sewerage Projects/Schemes, * Development of Roads, Bridges Road Transport. The total Investment in these sectors during 2010-11 was Rs. 5,235. 94 crore. The investments by way of Central, State and Other Government Guaranteed Marketable securities, Loans, Debentures Equity investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector amounts to Rs. 7,49,150 crore. III. LIC Golden Jubilee root word Under Corporate Social Responsibility, and to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of LIC in the year 2006, LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation Trust was formed with the objective of promoting education, health, relief of poverty or distress and advancement of other objects of general public utility. As on 31. 3. 01 1 LIC has provided a principal of Rs. 90 crore to this Foundation and the interest earned is utilized for funding various projects for charitable purposes. As on date, LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation has supported 165 projects to the extent of Rs. 15. 66 crore. Under this Trust a scholarship scheme is also formulated by name LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme of the Trust to give scholarships at the rate of Rs. 10000/- per annum to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of society to enable them to pursue higher education at graduation level.Scholarships were given to 802, 881 and 967 students during the years 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-11 respectively. ANALYSIS 1. Market Share 2. Goodwill Value Over its existence of around 50 years, Life Insurance Corporation of India, which commanded amonopolyof soliciting and selling life insurance in India, created huge surpluses, and contributed around 7% of IndiasGDPin 2006. The Corporation, which started its busin ess with around 300 offices, 5. 7 meg policies and acorpusof INR 459 million (US$ 92 million as per the 1959 exchange rate of roughly Rs. for a US $,has grown to 25000 servicing around 350 million policies and acorpusof over8 trillion (US$145. 6 billion). The Economic Times Brand Equity Survey 2010 rated LIC as the No. 4 Service Brand of the Country 6. though in the year 2010 is ranked at 4, the organization is consistently among the top rated service company of the India 7. RANK-COMPANY 1-VODAFONE, 2-airtel, 3-SBI (STATE BANK OF INDIA), 4-LIC (LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION). From the year 2006, LIC is continuously winning the Readers Digest Trusted brand award 8. According to The Brand Trust Report 9 2011, LIC is the 8th most trusted brand of India. . Growth Visibility of LIC of India FINDINGS After doing this project I found out that- * LIC of India conduct all aspects of the business keeping in view the interests of the community and the national priorities. * Provide insurance cov er and financial security to every insurable segment including the socially and economically weaker sections of the society. * LIC of India provides their customers with prompt, efficient and courteous service. * It acts as trustees to their customers funds and invests them to their best advantage. * It builds and maintains enduring relationship with the customers. It also keeps the customers informed about their products and services. * It also promote a sense of participation among the workforce and make them partners in progress. * It also works towards their job satisfaction and sense of pride. * It provide and environment and opportunities for growth to enable them to realize their full potential. * It also take steps to develop professional skills of the workforce to enable them to bobby pin their assignments more effectively. * LIC is not only the largest but the most popular life insurance company in India. LIC has gained the consumer trust and credibility over the time tha t is essential to sustain in the insurance business. RECOMMENDATIONS Though, LIC of India is a very reliable and ethical company. But still there are some points which should be taken care of in future to prevent any kind of risks to the organization * More Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives should be taken in near future in order to increase its reliability among the society. * Integrity connotes strength and stability. It means taking the high road by practicing the highest ethical standards.Demonstrating integrity shows completeness and soundness in the organization. * Blaming others, claiming victimhood, or passing the buck may solve short-term crises, but refusal to take responsibility erodes respect and cohesion in an organization. Ethical people take responsibility for their actions. * Quality should be more than making the best product, but should extend to every aspect of your work. A person who recognizes quality and strives for it daily has a profound sense of se lf-respect, pride in accomplishment, and attentiveness that affects everything.From organizations memos to the presentations, everything it touch should communicate professionalism and quality. * Trust is hard to earn and even harder to get back after youve lost it. Everyone who comes in contact with the organization must have trust and confidence in how you do business. * Managers and executives should uphold the ethical standards for the entire organization. A leader is out front providing an example that others will follow. * Good ethics should be most noticeable at the top. Every employee must be accountable to the same rules. Corporate values or ethics initiative must be sold and marketed aggressively throughout the organization. Every forum and medium should be used to spread the good message. Of course, it will only be credible if the organization is practicing what it preaches. * The ethics fervor should extend to the next generation of employees. The longer it lasts, the mo re ingrained the principles will become. CONCLUSION Business ethics present pertinent solutions to the concerns and dilemmas faced by global organizations.Ethical leadership is essential for the long-term survival and success of any organization. In the era of globalization, business ethics considerably influence shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, government and civil society. Organizations should focus on the ethical issues faced by them in various functional areas like marketing, finance, human resources, production, ICT etc. The commendable work done by global corporations in inculcating and practicing business ethics underscores the importance of value based leadership in international business scenario.Corporate governance is of paramount importance to a company and is almost as important as its primary business plan. When executed effectively, it can prevent corporate scandals, fraud and the civil and criminal liability of the company. It also enhances a companys image in the public eye as a self-policing company that is responsible and worthy of shareholder and debt holder capital. It dictates the shared philosophy, practices and culture of an organization and its employees. A corporation without a system of corporate governance is often regarded as a body without a soul or conscience.Corporate governance keeps a company honest and out of trouble. If this shared philosophy breaks down, then corners will be cut, products will be defective and management will grow self-satisfied and corrupt. The end result is a fall that will occur when gravity in the form of audited financial reports, criminal investigations and federal probes finally catches up, bankrupting the company overnight. double-tongued and unethical dealings can cause shareholders to flee out of fear, distrust and disgust. BIBLIOGRAPHY * http//www. usinessdictionary. com/article/618/why-is-corporate-governance-important/ * http//www. licindia. in/ * http//www. busin essreviewindia. in/top_ten/top-10-business/insurance-top-10 * http//www. licindia. in/GJF_aboutus. htm * http//www. licindia. in/Annual_Report_2011. pdf * http//www. irda. gov. in/ * https//www. google. co. in/ * http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Corporate_social_responsibility * http//www. mallenbaker. net/csr/definition. php * http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Life_Insurance_Corporation_of_India

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Absolute and Relative Poverty Essay

The article I chose for this assignment is titled Absolute and congeneric pauperism. The author talks about the difference between the two terms, likewise defining them as clearly as possible as if to ensure that the endorser is clear about what the difference between being absolutely poor and being relatively poor. The founding Bank Group is the institution that mostly deals with the orbiculate issues of poverty advocating neoliberalism, western democracy, and open markets and structural adjustments to the economy.This article seems to be a research about Absolute and Relative Poverty. It is a research mainly because of the enormous lists of references and reading suggestions that she noted at the end of the article. Hence, the kind of research that the author used was by using available data and existing sources, primarily the World Bank. For those people who be attempting to change the dynamics of poverty, they thought they understood it, counting it was fairly simple, but in hindsight complicated.To understand the dynamics of poverty, on that point are trey interrelated terms to consider (1) absolute poverty, (2) relative poverty, and (3) poverty threshold. Absolute poverty, as defined by the World Bank Group, is living under ane dollar a day. People that are living in absolute poverty cannot even meet the basic necessities to live. Sad but true. And many are found in LDCs (Least Developed Countries). Relative poverty, measures how people on the lowest rungs of the income ladder compare to the remainder of the population. Poverty threshold measures the income that a society of necessity to even live the minimal standard of living. The Great Depression followed by World War II, incapacitated the economy so much so that poverty was in the rise. World Bank was established in 1945 in Bretton Woods, NH whose goal was to eradicate poverty. In the twenty first century, the World Bank and the United Nations created the Millenium ontogenesis Goals (MDG), who likewise was created to eliminate poverty by the year 2015.Jeffrey Sach heads the MDG but his critics are biased on his belief that the only way to eliminate poverty is with economic growth. Additionally his critics believe that too much attention into resolving absolute poverty loses its effectiveness if relative poverty is dismissed when it is just as important in solving poverty. Another dimension of absolute and relative poverty is globalization. Some researchers believe that globalization has contributed to poverty while some think of the opposite. Ironically, neither side can rove otherwise. The World Bank claims that in 1990 there was a modest decline in poverty, which means that globalization is sincerely yours not an indicator of alleviating poverty. Further there is no standardized method of measurements to validate the effectiveness of globalization on fixing absolute and relative poverty. In our textbook, Chapter 11 talks about poverty in America. In my opinion pov erty in America is different. There is a huge disparity in what it means to be poor in the United States and being poor in LDCs.Poverty in America is more like subsidized because there are so many outlets and organizations that help the poor people. Non-profit organizations like homeless shelters operated by volunteers provide food and shelter and welfare programs that provide financial help. I think that poverty whether absolute or relative is a tough road to conquer. Too many people in the world are highly poor. Whether it is society, our religion, our culture, or our geography that influences poverty, it is in the interest of ALL humankind to work hard toward an effective solution to eradicate poverty.

Monday, May 20, 2019

People Abused Freedom of Expression in Using Internet Essay

The earnings allows passel to express and communicate with citizenry around the world. It is non only a direction to communicate, to sh atomic number 18 opinions and perspectives but also a theme of information which incessantlyy person could have an easy access. This information may or may not provide genuine idea for the reason of opinionated ways of expressing thoughts. This actually offers extraordinary opportunities for hoi polloi who fatality to articulate an opinion about anything. According to Fisher, they tramp make their thoughts available world-wide more easily than ever been possible before.And today, the internet is becoming not only a site for people in share their thoughts, but also a location to disdain another(prenominal)s, and to communicate dreadful messages. The internet also offers great granting immunity that it has no exact rules in expressing personal thoughts. This freedom, allow people to be free to word whatever they want, placing an extraor dinary priority on their own individual rights, frequently to the disadvantage of the right of other people.As said by Willard (1997), the net is a new frontier that offers a kind of freedom not generally formed in the real world. It is an environment where there is not only great freedom, but where the laws rules, and social standards are not quite as clear or perhaps not quite as enforceable, as we have come to expect in other areas of our lives. She explains that there are people who maintain that they should have the freedom and right to use the internet in whatever way they choose, without regard for the maltreatment they may impose upon others.The power of the internet has broadened over the years since it has distended to include the internet connected devices. Most of homes, schools and even mobile phones today have already internet connectivity. The penetration of these technologies has rick very easy for people to spread information for a short time. However, anyone with an internet connection can harass, embarrass, threat, and humiliate almost anyone else.As described by StopCyberBullying. rg, the act such as the threats of violence, hate speech, harassment, ally pressure, bribery, psychological abuse, and extortion are simple refers to cyber bullying. Furthermore, again pointed out by StopCyberBullying. org, that these offenses are occasionally committed by people impersonating someone else, anonymously, or under the deceptive outward appearance of a group, making accountability and preventability difficult. Since, these people feel they are invisible, because the hostility is not face-to-face.This leads them to translate what they want online, that they would not usually say in a person and persecute an individual without a fear of having any outcome or consequences, particularly, when they do it using a secret name. Thus, from time to time, inflicting pain on somebody, gives them a boost in their ego. Another reason as stated by StopCyberBul lying. org is revenge. People that are victimized may entrap into practice cyber bullying out of vengeance to get back others for making them unhappy.They may commence protect themselves, only to find out that they enjoy being a cyber-bully. Also as indicated, periodically people do it for fun because they are tired and impatient and have too much time on their hands. Several also do it only for laughs to get attention and reaction to other people. These reasons proved that people abused freedom of expression while using internet. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Myspace were becoming weapons. They are being misused by the people to harm anyone.