Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Different Educational Philosophies Presented in the Movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1462 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/04 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Harry Potter Essay Did you like this example? When watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I observed the different teaching philosophies that Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, and Professor Umbridge display within the varied classroom setting. Essentialism is teaching the accumulated knowledge using core courses like English, history, math, science and foreign languages in a traditional academic discipline. The teacher is training the mind, promoting reasoning using pen and paper and administering examinations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Different Educational Philosophies Presented in the Movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" essay for you Create order Perennialism is a philosophy that does not include flexibility in curriculum, rather is it quite rigorous in the standards, using the great books by historys finest thinkers and writers and enduring themes, to sharpen the students intellectual powers and enhance their moral qualities. Progressivism philosophy focuses on concerns, curiosity and real-world experiences that help students formulate meaningful questions, devise strategies to answer them, then tests their ideas to see if it works. The last thing on the teachers mind in this philosophy is testing. In evaluating Professor McGonagalls teaching practices at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I noticed that she incorporates and demonstrates three educational philosophies, namely Essentialism, Perennialism, and Progressivism. Professor McGonagall is known and well respected by both students and professors for her high level of student and classroom expectations. McGonagall is known for her strict, no-nonsense demeanor and as the master of her classroom. Because of the common culture that exists between both student and professor, she has gained the respect of all of her students. While her teaching strategies are traditional she is training their minds to promote reasoning. McGonagall uses great books by Hogwarts finest thinkers and writers while teaching them the traditional educational values of reading, writing, and arithmetic. At the beginning of class, she warns her students that anyone messing around will be forced to leave and not be welcomed back. She states, you have been warned (McGonagall). She provides her students with instructional demonstrations, where students are asked to conduct group experiments, such as the project-based learning approach. Her students tend to be inquisitive and ask many questions and in turn, she provides them with the help that is needed by roaming the classroom and answering their questions when needed. Overall, McGonagall utilizes two of the five teaching philosophies: Perennialism, and Progressivism. In the film, I believe that Warner Brother Studios chose to exemplify these two philosophies within McGonagall because they wanted to create a character who was a good example of moral ethics as well as honorable. She is capable of demonstrating both sides of the spectrum, the teacher-child-classroom relationship as well as the student-driven classroom relationships. She is able to allow the students to flourish in their creativity. In regards to McGonagall, I would model her teaching philosophy of Perennialism is a philosophy that does not include flexibility in curriculum, rather is it quite rigorous in the standards, using the great books by historys finest thinkers and writers and enduring themes, to sharpen the students intellectual powers and enhance their moral qualities. Progressivism philosophy focuses on concerns, curiosity and real-world experiences that help students formu late meaningful questions, devise strategies to answer them, then tests their ideas to see if it works. The last thing on the teachers mind in this philosophy is testing. I would avoid the strict rigorous demands of the curriculum, and aim to be more flexible one with the diverse learners in my class. Alongside McGonagall, Professor Sprout also uses the philosophy of progressivism in her classroom. She is a cheerful, roly-poly teacher, who is well liked by her students. Her philosophy offers a hands-on learning experience in an outdoor classroom setting. Within her class, she teaches them how to re-pot a Mandrake plant. She provides them with step-by-step instructions while also advising them of the dangers of their activity. The students are given tools for protection, then proceed with caution as she explains and demonstrates what they will do. She double checks their work and asks for understanding. From this, we can gather that she is an encouraging and thoughtful teacher who focuses on the individuals learning and progression throughout the time in her class. Her teaching philosophy of Progressivism allows them to gain real-world experiences that can be utilized during their years at Hogwarts. There is no testing in her classroom, the pupils education is built around their experience, while they focus on one discipline at a time. Professor Sprouts education states that if a single pupil wants to come, then the school ought to remain open for that pupil (Professor Sprout). Ultimately, I feel that Warner Brother Studios chose to show Professor Sprout in a way where progressivism is seen in a nurturing light because the students face peril, evil, darkness, and restriction of creativity among other professors within the school. In my own classroom, I would adopt Professor Sprouts way of teaching in a progressive light, we see that she is very encouraging, supportive, and allows students to lead and she follows in their footsteps. Consequently, we observe that Professor Umbridge adopts a completely different philosophy when teaching her students. The philosophy she demonstrates in her classroom is Essentialism. Essentialism is teaching the accumulated knowledge using core courses like English, history, math, science and foreign languages in a traditional academic discipline. The teacher is training the mind, promoting reasoning using pen and paper and administering examinations. Professor Umbridges demonstrates this by standing in front of the class as she teaches them which gives her a sense of superiority which exemplifies the idea of teachers being in control and in charge. When she does this, she is imparting her wisdom and knowledge so that the students may learn from her instead of discovering on their own. She is endowing them with her great wisdom and knowledge that is passed down from previous tried and true educators. Umbridge is viewed as the mouthpiece for the Ministry of Magics political stand on the practices and policies that govern Hogwarts. This teacher intimidates her students with an iron fist approach telling them there will be discipline, order, and obedience in her classroom. She has a set of classroom rules in place where speaking is never an option. She does not call her students by their names but refers to them as children (Umbridge). Because there will be no talking in class without her permission, Professor Umbridge insists they raise their hands. What she teaches her students is that they will gain knowledge through their examinations, she believes that learning in school is by a theoretical approach, studying and test taking. She also warns the students not to question her methods and compares this act to doubting the Ministry. Students quietly sit at their desks and write with pen and paper and rote information from their textbooks. Instead of focusing on the students opinions, she only deems the Ministries and her own as the guiding force in the classroom. The filmmakers chose to portray Umbridge in this traditional, old school way of teaching where students are to be seen but not heard. However, despite Umbridges views on how the classroom should be run, I would not agree. When teaching my future students, I would not adopt this theory. I would want to find more creative ways and other avenues that would allow them to test their understanding of subject other than her test-taking methods. I would allow my students to have a voice and that their opinions are welcome. After viewing the film and being able to critique the different educational philosophies that are presented, I was able to solidify my own teaching philosophy of Progressivism which focuses on concerns, curiosity and real-world experiences that help students formulate meaningful questions, devise strategies to answer them, then tests their ideas to see if it works. Modeling acceptance, encouraging creativity, understanding, and helping my students to pursue their interest while also being a role model. Overall, this film showed me the more effective ways of teaching students in a way that allows their creativity to flow and where they feel the most comfortable. The students dislike for Umbridge and adoration for McGonagall was blatantly obvious and continuously shown throughout the film which made it all the more obvious on which professors philosophies encourages and discourages learning. The level of respect, learning, and relationship development that occurred between student and professor is what appealed to me the most when watching this film. What was discouraging, was the number of forceful rules and discipline that professors like Umbridge displayed which eliminated an excitement for learning. When subjected to this environment, students are not able to enjoy their time spent in these classrooms during their academic years at Hogwarts. This film allowed me to cohesively see and understand the different philosophies that are brought into the classroom and how they affect the learning environment as a whole.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay Tradition or Cruelty in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery

In our society we have many traditions. These traditions all have certain meanings behind them; however, many of those meanings tend to be lost or forgotten. The holiday of Thanksgiving was originally a celebration to commemorate the arrival of the pilgrims in the new world and their first interactions with the Native Americans. So then why is it still celebrated today? There is no actual purpose in today’s society to observe this custom. It has just continued to be observed because of past traditions. There is no logical reason to continue this fà ªte, as it holds little or no value. With the passage of time the actual reasons have been lost or distorted, such as in the case of Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery.† Shirley Jackson’s†¦show more content†¦There had been, also, a ritual salute, which the official of the lottery had had to use in addressing each person who came up to draw from the box, but this also had changed with time, until now it was felt necessary only for the official to speak to each person approaching (Jackson 75) . The town members can no longer remember exactly how the lottery is supposed to be performed, and thus either substitute different actions as part of the ritual, or do away with them altogether. In the story there is only one explanation as to why the lottery is used. This explanation is given by Old Man Warner, who himself has survived seventy six lotteries. Old Man Warner states, â€Å"Used to be a saying about ‘Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon† (77). According to this, the lottery was used as a ritual to promote a plentiful harvest season. In all societies the success of agriculture is vital to survival. Farmers â€Å"can only wait and hope† that the harvest season will be successful. From this hope, meaningless rituals are created, even when the ritual has no direct relationship (Griffin 44). The townspeople would sacrifice one of their citizens in hopes that it would in some way or another affect the results of the harvest. Every June 27th the townspeople participated in an outdated tradition that thrust their town into the depths of barbarism. There are several references, hints, and blatant comments that refer to the barbaric theme in this story. One example is thatShow MoreRelatedTradition or Cruelty in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essay2237 Words   |  9 PagesTradition or Cruelty in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Shirley Jacksons The Lottery satirizes barbaric traditions in a supposedly civilized village. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Taxation Law for Low Value Pool Deduction-

Question: Discuss about theTaxation Law for Low Value Pool Deduction. Answer: Computation of Low Value Pool Deduction Desktop Computer In the Books of Edward For the year ended 2015-16 Computation of Low Value Pool Deduction Desktop Computer Row Low Value Pool Deduction Amount ($) A Closing Balance of the pool 900 B Opening Adjustable Value 1250 C Add row (A+B) = D 2150 D Multiply row C by 0.375 806.25 E Taxable percentage use of asset 1250 F Additional Capital cost 0 G Add: Rows (E+F) 1250 H Multiply row G by 0.1875 234.375 I Total Low Value Pool Deduction 1040.625 B: Furniture In the Books of Edward For the year ended 2015-16 Computation of Low Value Pool Deduction Furniture Row Low Value Pool Deduction Amount ($) A Closing Balance of the pool 2400 B Opening Adjustable Value 3000 C Add row (A+B) = D 5400 D Multiply row C by 0.375 2025 E Taxable percentage use of asset 3000 F Additional Capital cost 0 G Add: Rows (E+F) 3000 H Multiply row G by 0.1875 562.5 I Total Low Value Pool Deduction 2587.5 Filing Cabinet In the Books of Edward For the year ended 2015-16 Computation of Low Value Pool Deduction Filling Cabinets Row Low Value Pool Deduction Amount ($) A Closing Balance of the pool 890 B Opening Adjustable Value 1000 C Add row (A+B) = D 1890 D Multiply row C by 0.375 708.75 E Taxable percentage use of asset 1000 F Additional Capital cost 0 G Add: Rows (E+F) 1000 H Multiply row G by 0.1875 187.5 I Total Low Value Pool Deduction 896.25 From the above stated computation the questions that is bought forward is regarding claiming an allowable deduction for the declining value of the low cost and low value assets that an individual makes in the course of generating or producing the taxable income at the time of filing tax return (Barkoczy, 2016). As evident from the current of Alpha it is noticed that the declining value of the asset that is reported for that period are less than $1000. Alpha reported an asset namely furniture and cabinet filings for which it used prime cost method. According to the rule of the Australian Taxation Office an assumption can be bought forward in the present situation of Alpha that assets such as furniture and cabinet are valued under the prime cost method (Woellner et al., 2016). Therefore, Alpha will not be allowed claim an allowable deduction at the time of filing income tax return. On the other hand, it is noticed that Desktop computers was valued under the diminishing cost method and an allowable deduction can be claimed at the time of filing income tax return by Alpha. Reference List: Barkoczy, S. (2016). Foundations of Taxation Law 2016.OUP Catalogue. Woellner, R. H., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C., Pinto, D. (2016).Australian Taxation Law Select: Legislation and Commentary 2016. Oxford University Press.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Law of Agency for Fiduciary Relationship-

Question: Discuss about theLaw of Agency for Fiduciary Relationship. Answer: Law of Agency is a special kind of contract where the agreement between principal and agent are legally binding. In an agency agreement, the principal is the primary authority who confers powers on the agent to make contracts on his behalf with a third party (Beaupert, Steele Gooding, 2017) . In general cases of contract, there is an agreement which is a pre-requisite for entering into a contract but in cases of agency, there might be an exception of an absence of an agreement. Agency contracts are lawful even when there is no lawful agreement between the parties. Again, in cases of general contract, there is a consideration without which contracts are void ab initio but in cases of agency, there is no requirement of consideration and agency contracts can be non-gratuitous, that is, without any consideration. A contract should have a minimum of two parties but since agency contract is a special kind of contract, it has three parties-the principal, the agent and the third party. Thou gh the agent works under the authority of the principal, in cases of any liability, it always arises between the principal and the third party and never between the agent and the third party. Undisclosed principle is the when a relationship exists between the principal and the third party even when the agent has not disclosed the relationship of agency that exists between the agent and the principal (Garcia, Rodriguez Fdez, 2015). Doctrine of election happens when the third party has the right to choose from whom to demand performance. Siu Yin Kwan v Eastern Insurance Co Ltd[1994] 2 AC 199 ahs laid down the principle that when the third party believes that the agent is acting on his behalf and based on a particular skill has demanded a particular job, the third party will demand that performance from the agent and not the principal. Under the Law of Agency, the duty of the agent is to follow the principals directors and strictly adhere to them. In cases of breach of fiduciary relationship by the agent, he is liable to the principal because it is his duty to act in good faith and exercise skill and judgment, as has been laid down in the case of Watteau v Fernwick. Therefore, the duty of the agent is to strictly adhere to the instructions of the principal. Ostensible authority is when by implied conduct of the party, the 3rd party is made to believe that there exists a relationship of agency between the agent and the principal and the agent is working under the authority of the principal. Freeman Lockyer v Buckhurst Park Properties[1964] 1 All ER 630, it was held that when the 3rd aprty believes that agent has an authority to deal with him, the principal is stopped from denying his authority. Ostensible authority is an exception to the termination clause of agency. It was also held that, the key to fixing liabili ty to the principal is to see if the principal has done anything that gave the 3rd party the notion that the agent was acting under the authority of the principal. Application Under the laws of agency, Terrence is the principal and Sara is the agent who works under his authority. Applying the rule of Undisclosed principle, Sara did not notify Gabby that she was working under the authority of Terrence and had taken the order. Gabby was unaware of the agency relationship that was existing between Terrence and Sara. Gabby has the power to elect who will perform the duty in the present case (Stout Blair, 2017). Terrence instructs Peter to buy silver and not gold but Peter does not fulfil his fiduciary duties that exist under agency law and breaches the contract. Unhappy with the defiance of Peter, Terrence fires him but keeps his business email active from where Peter makes a deal with Gordon. Applying the rule of ostensible authority, Gordon thought that Peter was still an agent of Terrence and that he was dealing with Terrence. Conclusion Gabby can elect who she wants to design the elephant brooch for her and Sara has not breached any contract. Peter is bound by fiduciary relation to follow the instructions of Terrence and there he is liable for breach of contract. Terrence has to pay Gordon because by keeping the business email of Peter active, he has given the impression to Gordon that the agency relationship between Terrence and Peter exists and that Gordon is dealing with Peter. Issue The present case deals with the laws of company incorporation and business ethics. The concerned parties are the shareholders of a company and the issue is whether the failure to pay an amount of 2000000 will lead to a breach of contract. Another issue pursuant to the present case is regarding the Commonwealth legislations authorities regarding cancelling the application of license for explosives manufacturing. Law Initially, when the commonwealth had the power to legislate in matters regarding to companies by virtue of section 51(xx) of the Constitution, it only had jurisdiction of New South Wales and the power only was limited to the incorporation in New South Wales and not the whole of Australia (Hannigan, 2015). Australia follows common law principles and the laws of the United Kingdom and therefore the laws followed are those of the United Kingdom. The Commonwealth is enabled to make laws under the Corporations Act, 2001 and that there is a national Companies Act that governs all business laws in Australia. All corporations in Australia are regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments (Commission) and the ASIC is governed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 1989. The ASIC has various roles to play and it acts as the guardian of the company protecting the rights of the shareholders, directors and investors (Coffee, Sale Henderson , 2015). The ASIC has both criminal and civil jurisdictions and also has the power to fix damages in cases of breach of contract. the ASIC can attach pecuniary penalty in cases of a company breaching the principles of the Corporations Act. Under S. 1311, if a company fails to do anything which a company should do in the regular course of its business, penalty is attached for breach. The penalty is imposed by the company under section 1317 of the Corporations Act. In cases of contravention of the principles of the company as under Section 1317L, the company can recover the same by compensation through the provisions of section 1317G. A company can be made liable as a natural person under the Corporations Act after its incorporations (McQueen, 2016). 50 of the ASIC Act help to protect the rights of the shareholders and acts as a shield against malfeasant directors. Corporate veil as a concept applies when a company under the veil of a company acts in unlawful ways. In the case of Solomon v Solomon Co Ltd[1897] AC 22, it was held that the company was separate from its shareholders and that in case a company intends to defraud, the company will be held liable (Chen, Ramsay Welsh, 2016). The Commonwealth legislation gives power to the ASIC to reject the application for license of any company if it has any criminal record. In case, the director or the shareholder of the company has any conviction record, the Corporations Act, 2001 has enough power to cancel the license. By virtue of section 206B of the Corporations Act, license shall not be granted to a company that has a past criminal record. Criminal record in the past will lead to automatic disqualification. Application In the current case, the facts point towards a breach of contract by Roger, who owns 92 shares in his company and is the owner of the same. By way of written agreement, a contract was signed between United Chemicals Ltd and Industrial Machines by way of which it was agreed that an amount of $6000000 will be paid in three instalments in three consecutive years, that is 2015, 2016 and 2017. Owing to the downfall in the business Roger, could not pay the last instalment and as a result he was sued. A contract was entered into between the parties and there has been a breach of that agreement due to the failure to pay the sum. A contract is binding and in cases of failure to pay, the director has to pay damages. A shareholder shall exercise due diligence while exercising his duties and in cases of grave breach, he shall be made liable. The Commonwealth legislations state that anyone with criminal record shall not be given a license for manufacture of explosives. Roger was convicted of theft in the year 2005 and has a criminal conviction report and therefore he was not allowed by the Commonwealth Department of Industry to set up the explosives factory. A high degree of care and duty is put on the ASIC to ensure the safety of the workers and the prime reason behind not granting license to explosive manufacturing factories because the ASIC is duty bound to ensure that the workers and the citizens are safe. In this case, Roger having a criminal record has not been allowed to set up the factory as he was convicted in the year 2005. Under the powers of the Parliament, the ASIC has huge powers to ensure that a company does not indulge in nefarious activities. In case of a company trying to breach the conditions as laid down in the Corporations Act, the ASIC can attach criminal liabilities and fix liabilities for damages. Therefore, combining the two activities of Roger, it can be said that the ASIC has the power to exercise its powers to ensure the rights of the debtors against the unlawful activities of the shareholders. In case of breach of contract, the ASIC can fix liabilities and attach pecuniary relief to the affected debtors. The ASIC under the commonwealth laws have powers to give license to a company as well as cancel applications for license in cases there is a previous mandate that prohibits a company from being incorporated. Conclusion Roger has breached the written contract and therefore is liable for breach of contract. Roger has failed to make the payment of $2000000 and is therefore liable to the debtors. Owing to the Commonwealth legislations, Department of Industry is justified in rejecting the License for the manufacture of explosives. References Beaupert, F., Steele, L., Gooding, P. (2017). Introduction to disability, rights and law reform in Australia: Pushing beyond legal futures.Law in Context,35(2), 1. Chen, V., Ramsay, I., Welsh, M. (2016). Corporate law reform in Australia: An analysis of the influence of ownership structures and corporate failure. Coffee Jr, J. C., Sale, H., Henderson, M. T. (2015). Securities regulation: Cases and materials. Garca, J. A., Rodriguez?Snchez, R., Fdez?Valdivia, J. (2015). The principal?agent problem in peer review.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,66(2), 297-308. Hannigan, B. (2015).Company law. Oxford University Press, USA. Hanson, T. (2016). AUSTRALIA MUST RESPOND TO CHINA'S'LITTLE GREEN FISHERMEN'. Ausmarine, 38(7), 23. McQueen, R. (2016).A Social History of Company Law: Great Britain and the Australian Colonies 18541920. Routledge. Stout, L. A., Blair, M. M. (2017). A team production theory of corporate law. InCorporate Governance(pp. 169-250). Gower.