Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Environmental Managent Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Managent - Annotated Bibliography workoutmping them to the bottom of the ocean has been captured vividly on camera which provides proof of the project known as The adjacent Stop Atlantic (Zolfagharifard, 2015).The article discusses about different environmental counseling issue the first organism recycling. Recycling is being encouraged in order to save the environment from harmful effects associated with outlawed disposal of the utilize products (Wehrmeyer, 2011). The other issue in discussion is that of prevention of pollution. Pollution and especially strain pollution is known and documented to destroy the environment as well as the ozone layer (Uberoi, 2004). With the use subway cars being dumped in the floor of the ocean instead of burning them, then massive circularize pollution has been prevented.Lastly is the issue of saving aquatic disembodied spirit and providing them with a longer life span as well as a chance at reproduction. The ocean just like pr op up is full of predatory animals and fish which hunt the fish species and eats them or live off take their spawn once laid. There are not enough corals to hide all the aquatic life and hence the subway cars provide other artificial corals where the fish can hide and reproduce without endangerment (Hill & Gale, 2009).The project uses very minimal resources provided the resultant environmental impact is very great and positively encouraged (Thomas, 2005). Literature on environmental management impact indicates that recycling is among one of the cheapest form of management. This is compared against the resources used to destroy the recycled materials (Ghosh, 2003). The increased campaign of this project not only in New York and US but the whole world in general should be encouraged. It is guaranteed to reduce the negative impact of pollution as well as ensure the used cars are properly disposed.According to Figueroa & De Chile (2008), environmental management is a very simple thin g if only people start thinking outside the box. at one time the human beings assist the marine life increase

Understanding the experiences of special education students who did Dissertation

Understanding the experiences of special education students who did not complete high school - language ExampleThe purpose of this qualitative case study is to identify the common experiences of special education students who see to drop-out of high school and the common factors that contribute to the decision to drop-out of high school. The case study will be comprised of male and female special education high school students who dropped out of school at Ridgeville elevated School (pseudonym for a Virginia high school) during their third and fourth years in the school years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. The sampling population will consist of students between the ages of 16-20. The sampling size will be 15 although 33 students will be initially contacted. The study will be a phenomenological study and will wherefore be conducted by virtue of semi-structured hearings designed to identify the common experiences of students who dropped out of school close to graduation. The results of the semi-structured interview will be compared and analysed by virtue of a qualitative data analysis. The results will be coded and reason generally using a phenomenological reductionism method. Once the data are collated and sorted and commonalities are identified, all likely conclusions will be analysed so that a final conclusion can be drawn. Using cultivation from interviews with recent dropouts from Ridgeville High School, in conjunction with findings from current literature, this study will contribute to the development of recommendations for more effective dropout prevention programs for special education students. Descriptors Achievement gap Disability Drop-out Drop-out prevention IDEA 2004 move out IEP Inclusion NCLB QDA Special Education Student Engagement ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Background 2 Problem Statement 12 Purpose of the rent 15 Research Questions 15 Scope of the Study 16 Limitations and Delimitations 17 Definition of Terms 19 Research Plan 21 CHAPTER TWO 24 LITERATURE REVIEW 24 Introduction 24 Overview 25 Institutional reasons for dropping out 38 School belonging and dropout rates 44 Special education services and dropout rates 47 electric outlet exams 49 Inclusion Does it reduce dropout rates? 54 Teachers and inclusion 64 Dropout prevention programs 71 IEP programing 74 Transition programming 76 Programs attending to social and academic elements of student lives Finns participation-identification perplex of school engagement-belonging 79 School belonging and engagement and special education 91 Case studies of outmatch practice school engagement programs that have improved the retention level of special education students in high school 98 Conclusion 102 CHAPTER THREE 104 METHODOLOGY 104 Introduction 104 Research Questions 105 innovation 106 Active Observation 112 Intensive Interview 113 Data Collection Procedures 116 In-depth Interviews 117 The Researchers Role long hundred Qualitative Data Analysis 120 The Coding Process

Monday, April 29, 2019

Exam essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam - Essay ExampleFamily own bloodlinees tend to find out that the business environment around them is not secure enough for them to venture into the unknown (Cromie et al. 1995, p.11). Lyman Orchards is an example of much(prenominal) a family owned business venture which, despite having existed for more than two hundred years and been tilt by multiple generations of the Lyman family, it has not been able to grow into a multinational conglomerate as has been the plate with non-family businesses such as McDonalds and Target.Moreover, unlike non-family businesses, family businesses do not rely on formal be after and instead, their management systems are based on less formal control as well as fewer incentives. The informal nature of such businesses is often based on their being wholly owned and managed by members of the same family and these do not need personal incentives to add in the business because they work for themselves. In family businesses such as Toyota and Samsung, members of their founding families have been active members since they were founded and this has been as a result of the eagle-eyed tradition as well as personal interest that has been established over the years.When it comes to finance, non-family firms have the expediency because they can easily gain finances through making offers at the stock market (Coleman and Carsky 1999, p.73). This is not the case with family firms, which if the owners do not have ready finances to invest in the business king bring about financial ruin. Therefore, while family owned businesses are more likely than not to extend to greater profitability than non-family businesses, the latter have an advantage because they achieve higher growth levels. A family business such as the Trump Organization faced some financial problems in its history as a result of being internally financed by the owners and such a scenario becomes extremely

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Answer the questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the questions - Case Study ExampleThe temporal cortex is also much larger than predicted for an ape of our size, which might affect our language ability as this part of the judgement contains Brocas area, implicated in language use.d) From viewing chimps in the wild (The New Chimpanzees), can they be said to have a language? Include Uhlenbroeks description of pant hoots, the chimp police of their territory, their displays in dominance of behaviour, and grooming and begging behaviour.These elements do seem to represent a kind of chat between chimps, so yes, it could be seen as a language by around, although not perhaps as advanced as human language. The differences in behaviours between different groups have been described as pagan differences.Koko had extensive exposure to sign language and did seem to pick up some elements of language, although the grammar was not perfect. many a(prenominal) of the utterances could just be imitation or nonsense. Michael learned much le ss than Koko because he was only alive(predicate) for a short while, but perhaps the transmission of the signs could be seen as language transmission. Ndume does not before long use sign language.Although the video describes Koko has having a lot of knowledge and the gorilla does seem to know a lot of signs, it is not completely clear whether this is imitation or language and thitherfore is extremely rugged to describe.It does not seem to be a very strong case, although Koko does show extensive evidence of learning. only if learning a lot of different signs or letters does not create language, although it is interesting that some of these signs were transmitted to another gorilla. However, it is also possible that sign language may not be the adept medium for language and gorillas may have their own complex language structure in a form that humans cannot understand.Some people think that language is necessary for a culture, but there are many different aspects of culture (such as

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Media and Education Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media and commandment - Personal Statement ExampleThis report declares that there are diverse ways in which students at the college level can be able to practice serious reflections. Students should practice reflection by not utilizing internet while carrying out their assignments. They should learn to reflect on what they had learned during their class time and control in their assignments. Assignment being part of the learning process should be given after a lecturer has tackled the topic. This will enable students commend and reflect what they have been taught, and handle their tasks well. Use of technological devices much(prenominal) as calculator should be avoided and enable the students to reflect, think critically on tasks, and tackle them effectively. Simulation climate of study should be employed in colleges these modes of study allow the student to bear what they had acquired during classroom and apply in an environment similar to the actual environment. This paper ma kes a conclusion that engineering science has rendered communities incapable to think and reflect rationally. Technology has come up with ways of doing things in shortcut and does not pose a challenge to individuals. Student are the ones affected most, with the presence of internet and communication system, it leads in students utilization of technology more than carrying out tasks on their own. For instances, mathematics are calculated using calculator instead of a student to think critically and reflects on what they were taught in class. Technology also has harbored individuals creative thinking as most of the activities are carried through internet.

Friday, April 26, 2019

End of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

End of Life - Essay ExampleOn the contrary, the scope of end-of-life care essentially aims to nail down guidelines for caring for patients whose death is expected or anticipated rather than working towards enhancing their life expectancy (Grinyer, 2011).The number of ethical dilemmas in end-of-life care are essentially rooted in handling sensitive issues and challenges which protrude when executing significant decisions regarding an individuals life. Thorns (2010) highlights that ethical considerations in the implementation of the process focus upon ground the patients state so as to choose whether to continue with the treatment procedures or furlough their provision. Moreover, under such circumstances where an individual likely does not possess the required psychological understanding to make correct decisions, concerned attendants and doctors are faced with either challenging the patients independence or agreeing with their choices thereby, granting them the discipline to po ssess complete control of their position and circumstances (Thorns, 2010). The emergence of ethical considerations in end-of-life care however, is not limited to the aforementioned assertions henceforth, this issue remains highly debated in scholarly circles this paper applies three undischarged ethical perspectives to critically evaluate and examine the concept from an ethical viewpoint.The utilitarian perspective explores theoretical issues from a multifaceted lens with reference to the concepts of end-of-life care and the role of doctors in the recognizing the independence and autonomy of patients with reference qualification their life decisions. As stated by Singer (2003) the nature of utilitarianism as a branch of consequentialism implies that the protect of ethics in terms of each action or behavior is expected to be judged on an individual basis. In terms of examining the implications of adhering to utilitarianism the implications of the decision can be judged in a